
This study of philosophy is what Ultimately Brings Us the Inspiration to Undergo and adapt to the true Struggle that is perfection of Self through Yoga. The perfection of our Technnic and Preperation so as to offer ourselves with Loving Devotion to the Service of all Beings. CHANTing in Sankrit while Adhering in Accordance with Meter and certain Moods is the way to understand the Material as it was and ever is transmitted.

This Practice brings a mechanical way to purify the toungue and voice while expanding our awareness of Breath as we Chant each verse and share Questions and Implications reflecting in the concepts and understandings more deeply all in the context of Living in this modern world in the context of Love.

Current Class: Bhagavad Gita (English with Japanese Translation) Currently We Begin August 5th with our ongoing Study Groupcurrentyl chanting the Bhagavad Gita Starting August 5th we are Chanting from Chapter 10: YOGA of Divine Glories

Latest schedule:
